I have made a little research on wikipedia and I have found some interesting infos about console CPU:

-PlayStation    MIPS R3000A-compatible (R3051) RISC 33.8688 MHz 
-Playstation2   MIPS R5900 CPU core, 64 bit    
-Playstation3   PowerPC Cell 3.2 GHz 
-PSP            MIPS R4000-based
-XBox           Intel Coppermine Core 733 MHz 
-XBox360        PowerPC Tri-Core "Xenon" 3.2 Ghz 
-GameCube       PowerPC 750CXe 485 MHz 
-Wii            PowerPC-based IBM "Broadway"
-DS             ARM94E-S and ARM7TDMI
All 7th generation consoles are powered by a PowerPC based CPU, that is supported by FPC. Maybe this could be a beginning of pascal revenge over c :twisted: