Here's the next release, have made a overhaul of all code so now everything is named correctly and should be compilable in both delphi and fpc.

Now every classname and unit name is final, so can in some way consider this as the first official release, please download it and give it a good testing so we can get rid of all bugs and errors.

What to note through is that the compression / repackaging (removing the defragmentation from deleting files) of the package routines is not addded yet, but this is just nice-to-have features and not required so not highest priority just now.

I have started on the html documentation using fpdoc (altrhough i needed to rebuild it to get it working ), alot better then pasdoc i've used before, this means i propably remove all documentation comments from the source code in a future release.

Included in the release is a new Font converter for converting BMFonts to the phx font format. ( Interesting in writing a full fledged editor anyone ?) A package editor as well as the basics of a particle effect editor that needs alot more work.

I have some plans on making some small changes to the TPHXImage class aswell to make the pixel data of the images exposed to the end user but this is nohing that will change how the image class works through.

I have also added alot more rendering functions, some of cairnswm's and some of my own, highly optimised of course.

What is on the future is a TileMap with multiple layers and TileMap -> Sprite collision support.

Have Fun !