I am currently making a simple photo viewer called "Armchair Foto Viewer". I usually use ACDSEE to view pictures but when I showing people photos on my plasma TV I find that many images are rotated. ACDSEE does not have a simple way to rotate the displayed image.

Hence I have made a photo viewer that can be completely controled by wireless mouse and does the things I want.

Now my question...

In acdsee you can see the application begin to load a jpeg, if you then use the mouse wheel to go to the next of previous image ACDSEE abandons the loading process and begins to load the next file.

How do they do this?

I am caching photos ahead of time so when viewing at a normal speed it is very quick.

However, if you want to quickly skip a few photos ahead or back the process is paused as each entire photo is loaded and then discarded. This is noticeable especially when the resolution and hence the file size gets quite big.

I would like to know is there are a freeware routine that includes the ability to abort the loading process? I figure some call back would be required.

Anyone got any ideas?