You know, having recently deal with a rather 'unprofessional' individual on the net. It's sort of reminded me of how unnecessarily childish interacting with people of this sort can become. But also it reminds you of how important it is that you remain as calm and cordial as you can as you may still make something out of the conversation despite any disagreements or conflicts you and the other may run into during your commerce.

In my recent experience, I had started in error, trying to point out an error --ironically. Yet, despite my efforts to recover and correct myself this individual was... well, somewhat colourful about his reaction. It did not help that he was talking like he was still in Secondary School of course. In fact, it really pushed me to the point of not wanting to apologise or try to sort the matter myself at all. The situation of walking away seemed more appropriate than subjecting myself to his immature behaviour.

And I think that is what happens when you don't maintain a mature and professional attitude. You sort of isolate you and label yourself as a hard person to deal with and ultimately place a bad mark on you opinions, though they are perhaps quite valid. Such a sad thing to occur really.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no angel and I certainly was not so during my younger years. But I guess thats how I learned these things.

Overall I guess it just comes down to respect of others dignity and ability to makes errors and be flawed as we all are. After all we are talking to and working with the same people that are talking and working with us, no?