Now can anybody help me a little with DirectXLemmings?

I installed DelphiX 1.07 and managed to display a bitmap on the DDraw Component.

Now all my rendering is done internally with TBitmap32 of the Graphics32 library. So when referring to bitmap I mean TBitmap32...

I have bitmaps for
1) the world (which is adjusted when lemmings are bashing, digging etc.)
2) all lemmings animations
3) all object animations
4) drawbitmap, which is a copy of world

Could I just do the following every frame?
1) erase lemmings and objectanimations from drawbitmap
2) updategame()
3) draw lemmings and objectanimations to drawbitmap
4) flip this drawbitmap SOMEHOW FAST to the screen.

Steps 1-3 are really very fast (thousands of frames per second)

So the basic question is: can I draw this TBitmap32 fast to the screen, adjust it and draw it fast to the screen again?

Thanks, Eric