With over four years since the last posting, I'd like to update the thread a little bit.

"Lightweight Pascal IDE" is now "Lightweight IDE", not because it isn't Pascal but because it has become very good at dealing with other languages. In particular, it build C/C++/Objective C almost as well as FPC code, making those poor languages kind of bearable. It uses GDB for debugging, both FPC and C.

It comes as Universal binary, and builds them too. It supports Objective Pascal. It also supports GPC, CUDA, Ada and Java (ouch, awful language), plus Shellscripts and Makefiles as "backdoors". Last summer I published a short scientific paper about it and this spring a german textbook was released using it as teaching platform.

Mixing FPC and C is, since recently, fairly nice, although not automatic.

But there are a number of things that I havn't had time to do:

- Code completion
- Faster syntax highlighting by working locally
- Code folding
- Cocoa-based GUI (I am working on that though)
- Some GUI variants (planned once the Cocoa GUI is done)
- Cross-platform code. This is a big one. Linux and Windows would be vital for making it viable as an educational platform.
- GUI layout editing. (So far I have relied on Apple's tools but my own tool would give more freedom and be vital for cross-platform work.)

What about games? Well, a gaming framework is part of the project, and I have made a simple game (a Snake game) as example code. Games are important for me, I am not leaving them out.