Hi wodzu,

The idea has definitely not died... when I originally posted I was seriously overwhelmed by the supported shown for the idea and the eagerness (including myself) of everyone to get started on it. Unfortunately due to work and study commitments I have been unable to dedicate the time I wanted to the project, but that situation is going to change next week when I have the final exam for this years round of study... plus I'm having a week off work so I plan on doing some development

The bulk of discussions about the engine itself have been taking place in a private developer forum. The reason for this was simply to try and keep the noise down to a minimum in terms of things like feature requests etc. that would inevitably be made whilst we held the initial discussions about the project. Most of what's been discussed is about the design and a lot of boring stuff like where should we host the repository, what coding conventions should we use and such like. I'm not going to open that forum because ultimately the developers on the project should have somewhere they can chat in private.

We appear to have reached a consensus in terms of the basic starting point for the architecture. I'm getting that together now, when it's done and the developers have read it and approved it, it will be submitted to the project repository on Github and everyone will have the chance then to have a read. To be honest, reaching a consensus didn't take as long as I expected as we all appear to have similar views on how to approach the project. Longer term, one of the conventions that's been stipulated upfront is PasDoc comments in the code, so as the design develops we won't be updating this initial document as we will release API documentation with each release.

So, in short... stand by for some updates and some action