Quote Originally Posted by phibermon View Post
I don't work for Embarcadero, my interests are in sharing knowledge and helping people to create what they want to create using the best possible tools available - not just the ones belonging to a single company.

I know I spoke mainly of game engines but I'm advising to ignore FMX specifically on abstraction grounds - it's closed source, the user will learn nothing. The general process of API abstraction can be learned from thousands of different sources, studying a closed source API when there's much better and open source examples to study is pointless. After all this site is called pascal *game* development and the user it talking about 3D API's so of course we're talking in the context of 3D game engines. So yes I heard "I want to make a 3D rendering engine" and not "I want to draw buttons on propitiatory platforms". They are two very different goals and the abstractions required are totally different.

FMX is a poor design even when cited as an example of abstraction so I wonder why you've chosen to mention it at all?

Frankly, I'm tired of Embarcadero employees recommending unsuitable Delphi features as if they were perfect for games. FMX may make use of 3D API's but don't be tempted to confuse FMX as suitable for game development just because it does. My lawnmower uses petrol, it's not suitable for the race track.

Recommending somebody dedicate their passion to your product just to shift units is immoral. It is their future in game development, not your advertising platform. The compiler is suitable for game development, the IDE is suitable for development in general and indeed many of the components could be useful as well (for game development, especially if you want to create database driven servers) but FMX out of everything Delphi has to offer is the one thing that definitely is *not* suitable for game development. Not in direct use or as an example of 3D API abstraction.

Just to be clear : you can use Direct3D and OpenGL in Delphi without FMX. I'm not sure if that's true on the mobile platforms however but there's always Freepascal.

I read your response at 11pm 30/01 and decided to drop, because, at this moment, it really hurt me.

this morning, at work, I just see your response again, and I see that you edit it after my read, and you wrote it in a much more diplomatic way.

--> You make an effort, and I decide too make an effort too, and I'm answering mainly because you ask think on me that is not right : you have the right to defend you opinion, and it should be suffisant.

To be clear, no, I'm *not* an EMB employees. Sorry Sherlock.

I'm working in financial stuff in Geneva, mainly in calculation in c language, in hpc/gpu tech, and, sure, a bit of delphi for our GUI.

So, I'm not working in fpc or lazarus, because we do not need it, simply, even if we have linux in server side, so we need rad for our gui. So we got delphi. So, Yes, I like delphi for years and I really believe that I can freely speek about delphi here. Even if it is a commercial product.

I apologize really that I found FMX cool about abstraction side of the system and graphics : This match for me the K.I.S.S. mode, it is working, easy to aprehend. So I speak about : that will never happen again here, I promise.

FMX have bad design and must be burn by the Inquisition, Okay, I noted.

I make new design very rarely, and, I confess, despite all my years in coding, I have always diffulty to tag bad or good design in code that I worked on : If the code is efficient in matter of support and modification it will survive. Simple. And I can say to you that quality is not really correlated to its design.

I understand too that the really main problem for you is the fact it is not game oriented 3d engine and it is close sources, and private held.
I forget this 2 importants facts, and see only the abstract side : You right, I Apologize.

--> Certainly, if FMX was open source, you'll find it technically much better ?! LOL (p.s : it's a joke, do not call Torquemada again and ignore this sentence !!)

No. The main problem for me, and it's really worring me : Why have you need to pass your message in a such condesendant way ?
Consdescance confirmed after, when, aparently, you are nominating yourself as a keeper of immorality, and keeping "young" people away of bad choice.

--> You know, when somebody is able to read, he's able to make is own choice without you.

You are showing the path, and that is your honour, But you didn't build it.

As you said, we are here because we all love Pascal and game, and that is suffisant : Useless to try to transform it in a holly mission.

Hope we can exhange later in more positive way.