Author of Bare Game, the first SDL 2 based pascal framework. I am please to announce the launch of a new initiative to promote Free Pascal and Lazarus. The hub of this initiative is

The get Lazarus initiative aims to an reintroduce Lazarus to the software development world. To aide in this endeavor we've created our own special Lazarus bundles for Windows, Mac, and Linux with test versions of Free Pascal 3.0 Lazarus 1.4. We believe these bundles are the easiest Lazarus environments to install ever, and they won't interfere with your existing Free Pascal and Lazarus environments. We've also built-in support for full cross compile between platforms by default.

Our initiative hub is built on a new custom wiki engine which allows for creation of some highly interactive wiki pages. The showcase page is a good example of this.

We also have a new Lazarus forum themed to match the initiative. We're going to be looking for forum moderators and official wiki administrators soon. See this forum topic for consideration

And finally we are forming a professional Free Pascal and Lazarus consultant network for select few community members. Members will be invited to participate in commercial software projects as requests are filtered through our site.

Thank you to everyone for your attention and thank you for helping to promote Free Pascal and Lazarus! It's a great time to be a Lazarus fan!