A (failed) test of the new unfinished cave tileset. I don't like the way the cave looks. However, it provided a good test for 'curved faces' and 'composite tiles' modeling.
I should make something more anthropomorphic for now (e.g. a library to test placeholders at their max)... But that one's gonna be a hell of texturing

Please, keep the sources with a ton of comments explaining every bit, will you? I want to learn once you finish it.
Yes, I try to comment almost everything for this reason. However, this is the first bunch of code (maybe the second) I actually comment, so, perhaps not everything will be clear... But I hope I'll be there to answer any questions
P.S. the code at github is severely outdated because the game actually 'lost' a little of visual - I've cut down the tileset from 40 to 15 tiles to make and test serious modifications to the core. As soon as I finish implementing the placeholders with subplaceholders and make a decent tileset it'll be there. Or... maybe I just have to put myself together, stop being lazy and make an 'inaccessible' logic chunk before making a new tileset to show all the power of the idea. It's not that hard after all but will provide for windows, balconies, and partially-pregenerated maps (i.e. to meet the game demands to have a specific structure generated - just a week of devoted work or even less.

Put some skeletons and arcane treausres and you have your Roge done.
Yep. That's actually the 'close goal' (and not extremely hard to make - Castle has it all ready, I just have to stop being soooo lazy at least for a couple of weekends). However, my plans stretch much much further.

Thank you all for the comments!!!