I actually prefer FP-IDE over Lazarus for code editing. Laz has a nasty habit of munching up all your RAM and acts like a real CPU hog for me on Linux, filed numerous bug reports over it since I started using it. Minimalized it alone uses 70-80% cpu power and buttloads of memory. Ofcourse the Lazarus people told me it was a Kernel bug, so I should file a bug report aimed at the Fedora kernel instead.. Yeah.. right that's not going to happend... Even Eclipse with a massive amount of plugins runs smoother then Lazarus for me on Linux. Tried it on four different computers and swapped four different distros over those machines, and all I found out was that the battery on a laptop drains awfully fast when the fan is revvin' like a formula one car....

Found a nice vim setup aswell, and beeing as old as I am I remember using it on the Amiga. Nice, sleek editor but to start fresh with it might be a bit frigthening - lots of crazy keybinds, but I assure you they all made sense when you worked on an Amiga 500