Quote Originally Posted by phibermon View Post
Some exciting features planned! I too am looking to make use of bullet and I've got some ideas for an abstraction of their C++ API - if you fancy it one of the days perhaps we can brainstorm a design for our mutual use?
Yes, by all means. We could actually create a project (on GitHub or SourceForge or such) with Pascal bindings for Bullet, and use it in both our projects -- that would be very cool!

My (rough) estimate of next Castle Game Engine releases:

- 6.2 release: Easy iOS recompilation
- 6.4 release: Delphi compatibility
- 6.6 release: Physics or Visual designing of our components (like GLScene) (depending on people feedback, what do they need most)

So, I may sit to physics quite soon, in <2 months. I'll make a note for myself to ping you when I have anything to start. Or, if you start anything earlier, I'll gladly join!

Quote Originally Posted by phibermon View Post
Also if it's ok with you I'd like to support Castle scene files in my editor - your engine is more complete and advanced than my own and I thought it would be wise to compliment your work rather than reinvent the wheel
Great! By all means, please do, the engine is open-source and free to use (on terms of LGPL, just like FPC/Lazarus units). By "my editor" do you mean your Jink Engine? Because that looks extremely impressive, and I would be proud if my engine would be the renderer underneath.