This Cheb is stumped.

; [37] Result^.events[High(Result^.events)].eType:= deke_Terminator;
		mov	rax,qword ptr [rbp-8]
; Register raxreleased
		mov	dword ptr [rax+59118],1
; Register raxallocated
; Register rsiallocated
; [43] mov rsi, qword[Result]
		mov	rsi,qword ptr [rbp-8]
; [44] mov ax, ss
		mov	ax,ss
; [45] mov word[rsi + TMotherSEHState.StackSegment], ax
		mov	word ptr [rsi+60],ax
; Register raxreleased
; Register rsireleased
; Register raxallocated
; [56] LeaveCriticalsection(Mother^.SehCriticalSection);
		mov	rax,qword ptr [U_CL_CGE_MOTHER+$]
# [37] Result^.events[High(Result^.events)].eType:= deke_Terminator;
	movq	-8(%rbp),%rax
	movl	$1,59118(%rax)
	# Register rax released
	# Register rax,rsi allocated
# [43] mov rsi, qword[Result]
	movq	-8(%rbp),%rsi
# [44] mov ax, ss
	movw	%ss,%ax
# [45] mov word[rsi + TMotherSEHState.StackSegment], ax
	movw	%ax,60(%rsi)
	# Register rsi released
	# Register rax allocated
# [56] LeaveCriticalsection(Mother^.SehCriticalSection);
	movq	U_$CL_CGE_$$_MOTHER(%rip),%rax
These look the same to me.