Quote Originally Posted by cragwolf
I have tested the gluUnProject function from both FPC's and JEDI-SDL's glu unit in both Linux and Windows using the latest FPC compiler, and I have not run into any problems. I use the gluUnProject function in the following way:

{ Generates a ray based on a window coordinate }
function GenerateRay(x, y: Integer): TbmRay;
modelmatrix, projmatrix: T16dArray;
viewport: TViewPortArray;
objxn, objyn, objzn, objxf, objyf, objzf: GLDouble;
{ Get the modelview and projection matrices and the viewport data }
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, @modelMatrix[0]);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, @projMatrix[0]);
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @viewport[0]);
{ gluUnProject z=0 for the nearplane; z=1 for the far plane }
gluUnProject(x, y, 0, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, @objxn, @objyn, @objzn);
gluUnProject(x, y, 1, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, @objxf, @objyf, @objzf);
{ ray = near + t * (far - near) }
Result.vStart[0] := objxn; Result.vStart[1] := objyn; Result.vStart[2] := objzn;
Result.vDel[0] := objxf - objxn; Result.vDel[1] := objyf - objyn; Result.vDel[2] := objzf - objzn;
end; [/pascal]

where TbmRay is defined thusly:

[pascal]TbmVector = array[0..2] of Double;
TbmRay = record
vStart: TbmVector;
vDel: TbmVector;

Similarly, I have tested Paul's code with the latest FPC compiler (I used just the glunprojecttest.dpr and sdlapplicationunit.pas files) in both Linux and Windows, and again I have run into no problems.

So if there is a bug it is either with Lazarus or some aspect of your system.

Perhaps Michalis can tell us exactly which functions in JEDI-SDL's opengl units are incorrectly declared, so that we can test that and fix them if necessary. This would be a good thing to get right for the 1.0 release.
When you say you tested it using the latest FPC compiler, does that include the one under Lazarus 0.9.18?

That is what I am using. I know theoretically it should be the same, but perhaps there are some differences...

Quote Originally Posted by cragwolf
(I used just the glunprojecttest.dpr and sdlapplicationunit.pas files)
EDIT: wait a minute, does this mean you used the GLU and GL files that come with FPC and not the ones that I supplied?

It so, then those DON'T have any issues what so ever...
