
at Dan's forum Beta-X gave me some source how I can get the possible resolutions for my screen:

  while EnumDisplaySettings(nil, x, DevMode) do begin
    with Devmode do
     //cmb_resolution.Items.Add(Format('%dx%d %d Colors',[dmPelsWidth, dmPelsHeight, Int64(1) shl dmBitsperPel])) ;
      cmb_resolution.Items.Add(Format('%dx%d',[dmPelsWidth, dmPelsHeight]));
    Inc(x) ; 
So now I have read that not every graphic card supports every backbuffer. And the Depthstecils are not supported in every backbuffer?

I already have a config.exe where the User can set Fullscreen, VSnyc and the Resolution.

Now I want to add the possible(!) Backbuffer and Stencil etc.
But maybe the tool better asks the user 16/24/32 bit and then set the possible best backbuffer for what he has chosen?

How do you guys make it? Aren't there any samples?
I watched over at Clooties but did not find anything...

In the end I want some little tool where the user can set all graphic possibilities looking like a pro 3d game, most have such a tool included...

Thanks a lot,