Quote Originally Posted by tanffn
I disagree HopeDagger, the majority of the projects I get into are project I know nothing about to begin with. Not only from the technical/algorithmical/programming aspect but I don’t even know the IDE/language that is needed to be used.
I think we're actually saying the same thing.

I never said that you need to know the language/IDE/API/library/whatever ahead of time, but that you need to know what you're doing. If you know how to problem solve, break a project down into managable pieces, and turn a project you know very little about technically into a complete project, then that's synonymous with knowing your limits/abilities.

+ Doing what you always do isn’t fun/challenging, and you gain nothing (knowledge) after the project is completed.
Agreed. It's always good to take what you know you can do, and take it one step further when you tackle the project. As long as there is a challenge present, but said challenge isn't outside of your grasp, it'll be a beneficial experience.