F.C. Kuechmann, a Pascal programmer and recreational mathematics hobbyist, proposes finding a solution to the centries old Chess-based problem of The Knight's Tour.

What is this age old riddle you ask? Well the problem essentially is; How many knight's tours are there on an 8-by-8 chess board? That is to the best of my understanding how many different combinations can a knight peice using it's own move rule take different steps to move around the board and find it's way back to it's original spot. The figure is supposed to be somewhere in the trillions. :shock:

Mr. Kuechmann's idea is to beat out the C guys by creating a Pascal solution first. Some of his research is vast, including taking a few notes from Prof. Wirth.

[size=9px]Read F.C. Kuechmann's article 'The Knight's Tour Revisited' at www.pascal-central.com/knight.html[/size]