A topic of much debate is the DelphiX copyright terms that creator and author of the original DelphiX, Hiroyuki Hori. Attempts to continue his popular, yet abandoned component library suite tied in with a lack of understanding of the complete legal ramifications have lead to a separate branch labeled as unofficial. This is called UnDelphiX and is commonly just called DelphiX as a general 'mish-mash' term to encompass both original and it's descendant editions.

Though this has been a practice for the last 6 or so years, the question of the legal status and the officialism of UnDelphiX has been dragged out all this time. I would like to put this issue to bed soon. If no one knows the exact legal terms presented in the Japanese documentation based off the poorly translated English version, lets get it retranslated.

Here is the unaltered original Copyright notice in the Japanese version:

and now the poorly translated English version:

Now, who knows Japanese?

Laughing already? Well you should. Chances are that most previous and current users of Delphi that created games in the early 2000s have used DelphiX or UnDelphiX without a clue as to what it's legal status is. I find it somewhat funny to think of it.

It is the intention of us at PGD to seek out the complete legal definition and see if we cannot get the DelphiX brand 'open sourced' and made available to the community at large. Being able to do so will free our options to either promote or host the component tools on a more official basis. No more Official Unofficial-ness of such a popular and handy library.