I can understand many people's reluctance to cheer on good ole DelphiX. It is indeed falling into an 'oldschool' category nowadays. But as some of you have said, it is still used and sought after by many new Delphi game programmers. And it was a great learning tool for newcomers lets not forget.

True JEDI-SDL, Asphyre, Omega, Headers themselves and many more are much better, all things considered in their current state. But DelphiX is still more popular as sick as that is.

So as long as people want it and it brings new Pascal programmers into the game dev fold, why not keep it around.

DelphiX is currently without much of a florishing home today. Hori's site is more comprehensive in Japanese than in English, Turbo has been ghosted and dispite all the other great content about it on the developers' sites it's still somewhat of an orphan. So we've been pondering the idea to take it in and make an official page for it. In whatevery form it my have to take.