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Thread: Anti-lag

  1. #1


    Hey there! I have recently witnessed the wonders that some people can do with graphics (plant engines, 3D environments, etc), so I decided to start with learning about particle systems.

    I would like to ask you pros to help me with my most hated difficulty : lag.
    I know it's a lot easier to give advice on something concrete, so I pasted here a simple program of mine which simply applies the physics principles of wave interference.

    After I made the basic structure of this program, I thought about adding different display effects from the same particle system. So, when the program's running, you can press 'd', enter a value between 1 and 4 to change the display method, and press <Enter>. When you input 4, it simply draws a line from each particle to the point (0,0), but it lags like crazy!

    The idea is to get as many ppl to give their opinions on how it could be improved to maximum, so that we can all learn frm one another about anti-lag measures.
    I would really like to know why something so simple lags so much more than an entire 3dimensional plant engine! lol

    Jst copy the following and paste into a new file ( it was made with Dev-Pascal, so maybe if you use another compiler, it might need a few adaptations ). Btw, I only use Dev-Pascal, so please don't jst tell me to get something else!

    Program Waves;
    &#123;By CDB; to learn about particle systems&#125;
    uses crt, dos, graph;
    type Timerecord = record
               Hours,Minutes,Seconds,S100 &#58; word;
               Tothundreds,Lasthundreds, Timepassed&#58;integer;
         Waver = record
               Timepassed, Disturb, StringLevel, Detail,
               Howmany,NumOfDist, Colour, Speed, Starter,StartinHeight &#58; integer;
               Disturbance &#58; array&#91;1..100&#93; of record
                           Alive &#58; boolean;
                           Start &#58; integer;
                           Heights &#58; array&#91;1..2000&#93; of real;
         Waveparticles = record
               x,y, vx,vy, oldx,oldy &#58; real;
    var Wave &#58; Waver;
        WaveP &#58; array&#91;1..1100&#93; of waveparticles;  
        Timer &#58; timerecord;
        FPS &#58; integer;
       Procedure Initialize;                                                   forward;
       Procedure CheckForInstruction;                                          forward;
       Procedure FrameIt;                                                      forward;
       Procedure WaveIt;                                                       forward;
       Procedure MakeAMove;                                                    forward;
       Procedure MakeAStand;                                                   forward;
       Procedure MoveNDraw;                                                    forward;
       Procedure Initialize;
       var Gd, Gm &#58; Smallint;
           c &#58; integer;
         begin                                            // the next 3 lines initialise the graph window
              If GraphResult<>0 then Halt;
              Timer.Timepassed &#58;= 0;
              FPS &#58;= 0; c&#58;=0;
              With Wave do
                   Timepassed &#58;= 0;
                   Disturb &#58;= 1;         // how often to create a wave &#40;in sec/100&#41;
                   StringLevel &#58;= 300;   // = 'ground' level
                   Howmany &#58;= 550;       // how many particles
                   NumOfDist &#58;= 100;     // max number of waves at same time
                   Detail &#58;= 1;
                   colour&#58;= 4;
                   Starter &#58;=1000;      // coded&#58; if <0>1020 then starts at middle
                   StartinHeight &#58;= 80; // coded&#58; if <0>1000 then default =80;
                   for c&#58;=1 to NumOfDist do
                    With Disturbance&#91;c&#93; do
                    end; &#123;with Disturbance&#125;
                   for c&#58;=1 to Howmany do
                    With WaveP&#91;c&#93; do
                        x&#58;= c-&#40;Howmany-1020&#41;div 2;       // to centre it
                    end; &#123;WaterMol&#125;
              end; &#123;With Water&#125;
         end; &#123;initialize&#125;
       Procedure CheckForInstruction;        //to change variables or exit
       var k &#58; char;                         // press the correspondent letter, enter the value, press <Enter>
           s &#58; string;                       // Note&#58; there are no validity checks so take care with what you input!
           c &#58; integer;
              if keypressed then
                   With Wave do
                   case k of
                        'f'&#58; begin  //flaten, reset
                                  for c&#58;= 1 to NumofDist do Disturbance&#91;c&#93;.Alive&#58;=false;
                                  for c&#58;= 1 to Howmany do WaveP&#91;c&#93;.y&#58;=StringLevel;
                                  //and velocities if desired
                        'h'&#58; begin Val&#40;s,Howmany&#41;; cleardevice; end;   // changes the num of particles
                        't'&#58; Val&#40;s,StartinHeight&#41;;                     // changes how high each wave is
                        's'&#58; Val&#40;s,Starter&#41;;                           // changes where the wave originates from
                        'l'&#58; Val&#40;s,StringLevel&#41;;                       // changes average level
                        'c'&#58; Val&#40;s,Colour&#41;;                            // changes colour
                        'v'&#58; Val&#40;s,Speed&#41;;                             // changes how fast each particle gets to its destination
                        'd'&#58; begin Val&#40;s,Detail&#41;; cleardevice; end;    // changes display
                        'w'&#58; Val&#40;s,Disturb&#41;;                           // changes how often to create a wave
                        'x'&#58; Halt;                                     // exits
                        end; &#123;case&#125;
              end; &#123;if&#125;
         end; &#123;CheckForInstruction&#125;
       Procedure FrameIt;   //not exactly FPS but jst to give an idea of performance
       var s&#58;string;
              setcolor&#40;0&#41;; outtextxy&#40;10,680,s&#41;;  //erase what's there
              if Timer.Timepassed=0 then FPS&#58;=100 else FPS &#58;= round&#40;100/Timer.Timepassed&#41;;
              setcolor&#40;15&#41;; outtextxy&#40;10,680,s&#41;; //write
         end; &#123;FPS&#125;
       //------------------------Wave procedures
       Procedure WaveIt;
              MakeAStand;   //creates a new wave
              MakeAMove;    //moves every wave
              MoveNDraw;    //moves and draws particles
         end; &#123;WaveIt&#125;
       Procedure MakeAStand;
       var r &#58; integer;
               With Wave do
                    Wave.Timepassed += Timer.Timepassed;
                    if Timepassed<0>Disturb then
                         while &#40;r<=&#40;NumOfDist+1&#41;&#41;and&#40;Disturbance&#91;r&#93;.Alive&#41; do r+=1;  //find a wave in the array that is not 'Alive'
                         if r<=NumOfDist then
                         With Disturbance&#91;r&#93; do        // and make it alive
    writeln&#40;'Creatin wave ',r&#41;;                        //jst a check, can be commented out
                              for r&#58;= 1 to 2000 do Heights&#91;r&#93;&#58;=0;  //makes sure it's all flat
                              Case Starter of                  //Starter can be set in real time.  <0>1025 will make it centered
                                   -100..-1    &#58; start &#58;= random&#40;Howmany-5&#41;+3;
                                   0..1024     &#58; start &#58;= Starter;
                                   1025..10000 &#58; start &#58;= Howmany div 2;
                                   end; &#123;case&#125;
                              Case StartinHeight of                  //can be set in real time.  <0>1000 will make it default
                                   -100..-1    &#58; Heights&#91;start&#93; &#58;= random&#40;-StartinHeight&#41;;
                                   0..1000     &#58; Heights&#91;start&#93; &#58;= StartinHeight;
                                   1001..10000 &#58; Heights&#91;start&#93; &#58;= 80;
                                   end; &#123;case&#125;
                         end; &#123;if&#125;
                    end; &#123;if&#125;
               end; &#123;with&#125;
         end; &#123;MakeAStand&#125;
       Procedure MakeAMove;      //Moves each wave sideways
       var b,c &#58; integer;
              With Wave do
               for c&#58;=1 to NumOfDist do
               With Disturbance&#91;c&#93; do       //goes through the Disturbance array, and if alive, moves it
                if Alive then
                     Alive&#58;=false;       //if the wave is still moving through the array, it will become true again
                     for b &#58;= 2 to &#40;Start-1&#41; do //Start is where the disturbance started
                          if Heights&#91;b&#93; <> Heights&#91;b+1&#93; then Alive&#58;=true; //if the wave is still moving, it has to stay alive
                          Heights&#91;b&#93; &#58;= Heights&#91;b+1&#93;;    //Moves half of the wave to the left
                     end; &#123;for&#125;
                     for b &#58;= &#40;Howmany-1&#41;downto&#40;Start+1&#41; do
                          if Heights&#91;b&#93; <> Heights&#91;b-1&#93; then Alive&#58;=true;
                          Heights&#91;b&#93; &#58;= Heights&#91;b-1&#93;;     //Moves half of the wave to the right      
                     end; &#123;for&#125;
                     Heights&#91;start&#93; *= 4/5; if Heights&#91;start&#93;<5>4 then r&#58;=4; r/=500;   // serious doubts about this...
                                                           // The idea was to make the wave move depending on how long the previous round took
                                                           // so tht it wouldn't slow down, bt it doesnt seem good.
              r &#58;= 1/50000;
              With Wave do
              for c&#58;= 2 to &#40;Howmany-1&#41; do  // The first and last have to be constant to set the average level
               With WaveP&#91;c&#93; do
                    for b&#58;=1 to NumOfDist do
                     if Disturbance&#91;b&#93;.Alive then d += Disturbance&#91;b&#93;.Heights&#91;c&#93;; //adds all heights of waves at that point
                    d+= StringLevel;                                              // adds the total to SeaLevel
                    vx += 0;
                    vy += &#40;d-y&#41;;                       //vy is how far up or down the particle has to go &#40;smthg like velocity&#41;
                    x += vx*r*speed;
                    y += vy*r*speed;                   //the particle moves depending on its velocity, how long since last round, and speed
                    if y<10>800 then y&#58;=800;                
                    if &#40;y<>oldy&#41;or&#40;x<oldx>2 then line&#40;round&#40;x&#41;,round&#40;y&#41;,round&#40;WaveP&#91;c-1&#93;.x&#41;,round&#40;WaveP&#91;c-1&#93;.y&#41;&#41;;
                            3&#58; begin          //line to bottom of screen &#40;sea effect&#41;
                                    setcolor&#40;0&#41;; line&#40;round&#40;oldx&#41;,round&#40;oldy&#41;,round&#40;oldx&#41;,1020&#41;;
                                    setcolor&#40;Colour&#41;; line&#40;round&#40;x&#41;,round&#40;y&#41;,round&#40;x&#41;,1020&#41;;
                            4&#58;              // line to pt &#40;0,0&#41;
                                            // This is where my problem is.
                                            // I simply wanted to draw a line between every particle and the origin
                                            // so as to create the effect of a horizontal plane being distorted in 3D.
                                            // But, for some reason, unknown to me, it lags like crazy!
                                            // so I tried to draw the lines only with every 5th point, but it still lags
                                            // way too much.
                                            // Please tell me how I could improve this!
                              if c mod 5=0 then begin
                                    setcolor&#40;0&#41;; line&#40;round&#40;oldx&#41;,round&#40;oldy&#41;,0,0&#41;;  
                                    setcolor&#40;Colour&#41;; line&#40;round&#40;x&#41;,round&#40;y&#41;,0,0&#41;;
                            else Detail&#58;=1;
                            end; &#123;case&#125;
                    end; &#123;if&#125;
               end; &#123;for, with&#125;
               if Wave.Detail=2 then              //has to be put separately because needs to be done all at once
                for c&#58;= 2 to Wave.Howmany do
                 With WaveP&#91;c&#93; do
         end; &#123;MoveNDraw&#125;
               With Timer do
                    Timepassed &#58;= Tothundreds-Lasthundreds;    //time passed since last time round
                    Lasthundreds &#58;= Tothundreds;
                    if Timepassed<0 then Timepassed&#58;=0;
         Until false;
    This is when you give all the advice you can to improve it!!! Thank you!

    NB: I deleted lots of spaces to make it shorter; and some lines might have been split into 2

  2. #2


    we've moved beyond raw graphics with lines and software rasterization, 99.9% of use opengl or directx to render stuff, and it is 2000% faster than anything you do in software.
    This is my game project - Top Down City:

    My OpenAL audio wrapper with Intelligent Source Manager to use unlimited:

  3. #3


    I didn't go through all the code, only the first few lines...but the reason it's going slow is that everything is running off the CPU (Software rendering), instead of the GPU.

    As Delfi is saying, you might wanna look into DirectX or OpenGL for rendering.

  4. #4


    In addition to the comments the others have made (so consider using hardware rendering): Graph hasn't been designed for speed. If want to make your software rendering faster, switch to PTCPas.

  5. #5


    Well, for starters your source wouldn't compile if it had to. I tried fixing your errors, but they are far and many due to the changing of the lines. Try uploading a zip file with the source in it (this is always your best solution anyways). As has already been said, move away from graph, and if you are wanting to use fast graphics then make sure and use the right library.

    SDL is a good cross platform cross rendering engine library, it requires some setup, and can be slower then raw DirectX or OpenGL depending on how you set it up and use it.

    DirectX is Windows only, if you don't mind developing for Windows only then its a good choice. Read up on it either way.

    OpenGL is the powerhouse of cross platform development with graphics (2D and 3D). Lots of tutorials out there and ALOT of information. Read up even if your not going to use it. You will find eventually that what is true for one lib is true for most all of them.

    There are some fast graphic libraries for FPC that don't require 3rd party API's. Take a look at the lazarus CCR, sure some of it requires Lazarus, but most can be done in pure FPC if you have some patience. Of course, Lazarus is a good choice and gives you a Delphiesk IDE.

    If you can upload a copy of your source (don't copy/paste again please), I'm sure you will find more help available, as a compileable version always makes life easier.

  6. #6


    Hey, thanks heaps for the advice!

    Summing it up, Step 1 to improving graphics is to get DirectX or OpenGL! Im really quite excited, because 2000% faster seems like quite a solution! lol

    As you all seem to agree, I won't copy and paste anymore :? lol, but then how do I upload something? I can see the option Add image to post, or Add Poll when starting a new topic, but Im nt sure how to upload a file...

    I read a whole bunch about DirectX and OpenGL. What I gather is that they are both graphic libraries with improved functions to create and display 2D/3D graphics, but the first one is by Microsoft and the second is open source, is tht right?

    Im really excited about all the stuff I read about both, but because I dnt like Microsoft, Ill make sure I get OpenGL!
    Iv been looking for a download site for OpenGL, but there seems to be way too many different ones. I dnt know what to get, can you please give me a link?

    dmantione, what do you mean by PTCPas?


  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by IlovePascal
    As you all seem to agree, I won't copy and paste anymore :? lol, but then how do I upload something? I can see the option Add image to post, or Add Poll when starting a new topic, but Im nt sure how to upload a file...
    Well, now that is the $20,000 question. The answer is, you can't. Instead you have to upload your file to your own server or another file hosting spot on the web, then place a link to it using the url tags.

    If you don't have any personal web-space just sign up for some on any of the free hosting sites. There are many to choose from, careful though, as some don't allow for direct file linking.

  8. #8


    Come on guys, any links?

  9. #9


    Damn! Is it jst me or does Silicon not want ppl to download OpenGL ? Iv been googling for a while and I can't find a single place where they offer a download as a Pascal library!

    On here, they seem to have 100 graphics libraries, but not OpenGL; in this link they talk about it, but it's for C++ (is it the same for both?). The most convincing I found was on, but OpenGL Studio doesn't seem to be right, is it?
    I couldn't believe that on or even on, they don't have it!

    Btw, am I looking for OpenGL Multipipe, Vizserver, Volumizer or Performer? there are so many!

    Help! Please!

  10. #10


    You don't need to download OpenGL. It is already on your system.

    Just a "uses opengl;" in your program should be enough to use OpenGL.

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