Quote Originally Posted by dmantione
What is the advantage over the original method? I.e. your algorithm compares with 2,4,8,16,32, which was exactly what the original did, only yours needs more memory.
Well, I never claimed it was better, just showing a different method.
But I do think it's better to "waste" a whole 52 bytes of memory rather than doing a multiply operation for every power.

But, it's still a fun exercise to think up ridiculously optimised functions, so keep em coming.

Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
Now this is how to do it with a lookup table

Now that's more of a waste of memory (a whole 4.14kb *shock* *horror*).. But should run very nicely!

I should also point out that most games these days are using up to 2048x2048 textures so you actually need a massive 8.4kb of memory...