Unfortunately, the majority of users aren't as clued up as we are and so I feel it is undoubtedly going to present a problem to the indy developers.

I've already noticed issues with some of microsofts new security features... I've had two or three people complain that they couldn't connect to our on-line game... why? because the IE7 update which is currently being forced on people won't allow an SSL connection to be established using a certificate that isn't signed by a certificate authority in the users list of Trusted Authorities.

As soon as our root certificate was added to their trusted root authority list, hey presto. It was able to connect.

Now all of this wouldn't be so bad if it actually said 'I'm not connecting because I don't trust the certificate'... Instead it just comes back with 'Cannot connect to server' or some equally useless message which gives the impression that our servers are dead.

So, in short, I kind of agree with your analysis of the situation Jason :?