Quote Originally Posted by FAQ
Yes, the IDEIntf part of the IDE is licensed under the LGPL with the same exception, so that shared data structures in this part will not force you to license your plug-in or design-time package under the GPL. We want everyone to be free to choose what plug-in to use, and not limit this choice. Therefore non-GPL compatible plug-ins are allowed. Note that it's not allowed to distribute a precompiled Lazarus with these non-GPL-compatible plugins included statically; however, we do not see this as a severe limitation, since recompiling Lazarus is easy.
Doesn't this sort of defeat the whole concept of an 'all-in-one, out-of-the-box' edition of Lazarus for game programmers?

So if I say, added SDL, OpenAL, FMOD and OpenGL as a few examples, I cannot include the DLL files in the same installation?

Though I think that FMOD *may* be an exception, I think the rest are freely available to distribute...