I don't know if I understand everything right...

But basically in TANX I did those kind of calculations by just having some values for speed, angle, turretangle, position etc. Nearly all calculations are done in 2D in Tanx, because I had a plain terrain there. Only when things exploded, the Z-value came into calculation for position (things flying to camera).

So, when pressing left/right keys you should alter angle. When moving the mouse left/right you should alter turretangle. Pressing up/down would alter speed (velocity).

Thats all you need in the first place.

Calculation of new position would be something like this:

Pos.x := Pos.x + sin(angle) * speed;
Pos.y := Pos.y + cos(angle) * speed;

Thats all to move the tank.

rotation of you model is given by angle, too.
rotation of your turret is given by angle+turretangle, because you want the turret to move too when you turn the tank, don't you?

Then when rendering the model its just something like this:



All this is written out of my head in PseudoCode. I did not test anything, but basically this should enable you to turn and move your tank.

Hope that helps. If there are further questions... you know where to find me