Hey that's pretty sweet!

tbh though, I do think its at least 30 seconds too long. I had the feeling you wanted to show a little too much (can't blame you there ).

I believe the start was pretty good, after a short message, you jump right to the action. The transition to airblast looked a bit off however, with the main screen being aligned too far to the right. On the other hand, I got all excited again when the airfights came up.

I did not like transition to Tanx. It was too abrupt and I fear people might miss the mainscreen alltogether if they are not familiar with Tanx. However, the rest of the gameplay of tanx was pretty good, although I think its better to remove parts where ingame text is visible.
Viewers familiar with Tanx might know what´s going, but I think others may find it a lot to consume.

The transition to ArticMacrob was again a bit too sudden. Although the fact that there´s relatively little action on screen, does give the viewer some time to realize what´s going on.
After ArticMarob it was again a sudden switch, this time to Sodoma. It was at this point that I was kind of wondering if there was going to be some additional information. Something to add a bit of extra stimuli to the viewer to keep on viewing, other than the bits of gameplay videos.

Anyway, after having seen a few other games which some I think were better to be left out (Village Defense (mainscreen aligned to the right and poor quality video), Tankbusters (slow gameplay video), MadAeon (unreadable intro and slow gameplay video), space cadet (doesn´t fit in there alltogether)), the ending was well done, especially with the effect and all.
Unfortunately while the mid section was rather lengthy, then ending was too short. I was actually expecting more information there. Something in the lines of an invitation to join this years competition, a conclusion to this video.

In all it was pretty good. IMO, main 'problems' are the transitions, where you dont allow the viewers some time to get used to a new game, the quantity of games, there are too many of them now, and the absence of information.

I do agree with jdarling about the music. I fits the video perfectly.

As a sidenote, having done a few video edit sessions myself, I know how difficult and timeconsuming it is. Having the proper software and tools does help, but still. Anyway my hat off to you for doing this.