Oh dear, I'm falling behind I think. Real Lift (tm) is killing my dev time. Who'd have thought that purchasing a house would consume so much time, money and energy. After sorting numerous things out with the house move I find myself too knackered to do any work.

I have done some graphics though.. but I'm only inching ahead instead of the sprinting that I should be doing. At this rate, I'm going to need some serious crunch time to get into the project and make any progress.

For the 2nd deadline I'm hoping I'll have the tetris elements well in place and a playable tetris game - the mechanics of which will change as soon as I put the platform game element in.

It did give me an idea this morning though.. If I make the game playable in 2 modes...

character has to play the game and avoid squishy death.

player has to play the tetris game and attempt to squash the little character for bonus points.

If I can find an activity for the player while the tetris game is being played, like pulling or pushing blocks around, I could make a network game where 1 player plays the tetris game and the other plays the character. I can see that being a lot of fun.... This will only be put in if I suddenly find a whole bunch of time under a rock or something.

At the moment, I'm only planning to include the Survival mode.