Hi Guys, I've managed to get my internet connection set up at the new place quicker than I expected.

I'm a little concerned that people had trouble running the game, although I should have mentioned in the Readme.txt that the game relies on SDL, SDL_Mixer, SDL_Image etc.. I'll update it for the next version.
Slow framerates? What numbers are you getting on the left hand side of the screen? the one in the middle is the frames per second, it's clamped to 30, perhaps this isn't working as well as it should be.

The age old, 'It works fine on my PC' is cropping up here, My PC is an Athlon 800 or is it a 1200, with 512mb of ram and a GEForce3. Either way, it's over 4 years old and I wouldn't expect anyone to get slower framerates than I do.

What does it run like on your second PC Athena?