If you have played my entry, then my question will make more sense. If not, well then download the latest and give it a shot. I really need some feedback on the combat system. Everything from User Testing and QA has pointed that the Combat Configuration and Combat screens are interesting ideas, but that they need some improvements.

The general argument is that it is too time consuming to setup your combat queue and that it grows so rapidly its hard to maintain. So, here are my ideas on how to fix this so far. I'd like to know what ideas people like best as well as any new ideas that I haven't thought of.

1) Instead of actually configuring your tokens you configure the token types. So you would say show me x3 plays, basic attack, and minor heal before showing me x2 plays. Then when in combat you play from them.

2) Keep the same as it is now, but lower the number of tokens you receive, make combat shorter and thus eliminate some of the problem.

3) Remember the play order that the player came in with and when they go out try to match it (almost impossible to implement perfectly).

4) Change it to something like Guild Wars where you have only 6 slots for your next combat interaction that you have to setup at the beginning of each level.

As I said, I'd love to hear what others think, as well as other suggestions. I know that this is going to take time to implement, but I'd rather get it fixed now rather then later when it will take more time.