Hi again...

after stage 1 results are out, I guess everyone is now working on his/her/their gameengine... so am I.

Last year it was really fun to see the progress of the others and in addition to that, many ideas and suggestions came out of posting my own progress. So I will continue this "habit" this year and show my progress here (mainly in form of videos).

So here is what I have so far. Not much, but basically the engine of my first part of the game. The building stage. Surely needs some tweeking but it works as I was thinking of.

My children already try everything to convince me, they are good testers and need to play *lol*

Of course I will add more different bricks later on.

I also changed my scoring mechanism a little (not implemented yet).
You will gain points for all bricks, that are placed within your "construction area". This is the circle, visualized by my particle engine.
The higher a brick is, the more points you will get for it.
Points will be given for a height of minimum more than 1 brick unit (thats the long bricks standing upwards, so a single brick will give no points).

This way you can decide, if you try to build a very high tower to gain more points for single bricks, or to build several smaller towers, which will be more stable and it will be difficult for your opponents to destroy several tower instead of one.

Ok, enough chattering...here is the video....

