Just finished the version that I'm gonna submit as my stage 2 entry.

I've added controls (plus/minus keys) to adjust the mass of the ship, it's sort of reversed now ie. bigger value = faster acceleration and turning.

I've also added two spheres posing as the Sun and Earth with the Sun acting as the only light source in the scene lighting all the other objects. The sun looks a bit too much like a Pac-man, but hopefully that'll change.

This scene simulates the maximum load there will be in the space scenes, if you can run this one with a acceptable frame rate then you will be able to run the full game too. I will add some effects to the scene which will need more processing power, but I think that even this version without them doesn't look that bad and it doesn't use even a single shader program.

The game engine itself is still unoptimized and I can probably squeeze out a lot better frame rates.

You can download it here