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Thread: ASM (assembler)

  1. #1

    ASM (assembler)

    Hello, I've been wanting to learn assembler for quite some time now and I'd just want to know which type of asm works with FPC and C++ of windows (Intel?)?

    Could someone explain the differences?


  2. #2

    ASM (assembler)

    As far as I know AT&T style assembler is the best implemented style in FPC. All my optimizations are however made in intel style assembler which works fine in both delphi and fpc(-Rintel).

    The key difference between AT&T and Intel style is the ordering of the arguments and the syntax

    MOV eax, 100 //eax := 100
    ADD eax, edx //eax := eax+edx

    MOV 100, eax //eax := 100
    ADD edx, eax //eax := eax+edx

    AT&T also has a few differences when accessing pointers and such where Intel style has a more delphi like syntax(That's my oppinion).

    I have no idea what assembler style you usually would use in c++ though
    Peregrinus, expectavi pedes meos in cymbalis
    Nullus norvegicorum sole urinat

  3. #3

    ASM (assembler)

    Thanks. Ok so I should basically use whichever I prefer, the tutorials will work for both. Great

    I also like the Intel style better, the Intel mov seems more logical to me, don't know why they mess with them :/


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