Hello! I'm new here + I can't speak english so perfectly, sorry for that :-D

I've been using normal DelphiX for few years and ah, it served me well, but now I'm tired of it's powerlessness. So, I downloaded this UnDelphiX which supports hardware acceleration, if I understood correctly. Oh man, I tested it and it was fast and furious. But damnit, nothing's perfect..

So, it mixes and messes all my integers and variables adding some weird and unlogical decimals after them. For example:

Integer 3 turns into 3,00034969396
Integer 1 turns into 1,10035295293592
Integer 0 turns into 0,042933592

So, this turns into a thousands of "Invalid integer!" messages and "Image 'blabla_1,03592935.bmp' not found".

Help me, this is horrible! So much power and such a heaven just behind this nasty fence..