Hey, thank you so much for your help.
I mean everybody.
I finally made to compile and install.

What I done is (steps made):
[command line]
copying rtl folder to /pp/rtl (I had to - this will be clear in a while)
fpcmake in the ptc folder (otherwise, .as files wont compile - doing fpcmake in the packages folder will overwrite the shipped Makefile.fpc)
make in the ptcpas folder
fpcmake in the packages folder (the ptc package was put in /extra/ptc - I also add ptc in the Makefile.fpc in the /extra folder)

New project -> add ptcpas.pp, hermes/hermes.pp
set project -> compile options -> units to (ptcpath)/hermes; (ptcpath)/win32/directdr
set project -> compile options -> include dirs to (ptcpath)/hermes; (ptcpath)/win32/base; (ptcpath)/win32/directdr; (ptcpath)/hermes

compiled everything (again)

Created a new package (new -> standard package, manually added a single dummy file, opened the project, add unit to existing package)

Compiled the package, installed, rebuilt Lazarus.

project -> new project from file
opened (ptcpath)/demos/fire.pp
compiled, everything flawless.
(exception)-> while debugging, I get an error from the exe saying "can't recycle as the console is already opened".
Launching the executable from a console works perfectly.

I hope these info will be useful to whoever wishes to use ptc in Lazarus.