Well, I was using the FPC site's documentation, but I just couldn't get a variable assigned with the DD/MM/YY value and not the TDateTime value... But that was because I thought the 'format' was required, which your post just told me it isn't

So now I just need to find out how to hide windows... Like for example (probably not a pascal program...) but you know DU Meter? I need a program that runs in the background 24/7 like that, and having a bar on the bottom of the screen would just get in the way...

EDIT: Also, how do I make the time come in 12-hour time and not 24 hour time? I'm looking on the help site right now, but if anyone knows the answer, it'll be quicker

Ok, found that using am/pm as a time formatter, I can tell it to use 12 hour time, but how do I implement this to make it become equal to a variable in 12-hour form and not write it to screen?