System: WinXP
Compiler/IDE: NFPC
Libraries/API: 'None'

Ok, well, I have a setup for adding timers to my app, to keep the program from thinking the file ended (it's the way it's setup, it's not using EOF so a blank line screws it up) by reading a file, and going until a line is empty (or, ''). I made a workaround, so the timer file remains, and so does the entry in the file, and the name which is re-read from within the timer file is switched to 'EMPTY' and EMPTY timers are skipped. HOWEVER, this doesn't work so well...

Now, what I need, is how do I make it overwrite a specific line? Cause heres how it works:
List.txt -->
-search list.txt, put contents of each line to timer[x], x being the # of the particular timer... line 1 is in timer[1] and etc, using a repeat.. until loop.

/timers/ -->
-each timer[x] is used to read from a file...
---When a timer file is deleted, it deletes the entire timer file.

So, when it calls the name of the timer from list.txt, it closes the app because of errors. How would I edit line 'x' to remove the current line, and back all lines ahead of it down by 1? (IE, don't leave a blank line)