You know after writing my last post, it sort of gave me a thought that I can put into this topic; what we take for granted. In this case the smaller life forms such as bugs, fish and other small creatures.

No they do not have the kind of intelligence we have, but on some level you have to admit it would be much farther along than we are now as far as sentience goes.

I recall somewhere that a person tried this method to make an AI that was equivalent of a cat. It used a physical model of a robot that had tons and tons of transistors and cost the guy a pretty penny, however the project failed. BUT it showed that the human or 'full' sentient mind is way too far out of reach. So we should start lower to start.

There have been successes with making simulated bees and cockroaches. So we have an idea of where we can start poking around or at least where we are at now.

It think, at least this is me. If we hack at the smaller issues. Isolate them and focus on their make up individually, we can eventually get a whole picture and figure the whole thing out. Only to find out some other great mystery, but thats for later.