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Thread: Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

  1. #1

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    Don't know about you people, but I enjoy criticizing programming languages and such, and just complaining about annoyances you've experienced. Post your jokes/critcism/rants here! :)

    Here's what I said to somebody:

    "What's the deal with C and C++? They invented them as if it was gonna be used by robots, by inhuman mindless machines. With C and even more with C++ the language and compilers are alive: they are alive and are checking your every move and will happily throw errors at you to frustrate you; they are machine-like intelligent sadist entities. It wouldn't surprise me if your computer suddenly turned into a HAL-like creature and control your mind in various ways. Don't be surprised when your house suddenly starts haunting: it can happen, we're dealing with C/C++ here.

    C/C++ begs you -- nay(!) -- forces you to make mistakes and to learn bad things. It will force you to hold a sixshooter in your hand and aim at your foot. And somehow you're all crackshots(!): you can even hit your fellow man in the foot from 30 metres even if there's obstruction; somehow C/C++ compilers can manipulate the laws of nature at will and while they force you to take a shot at your fellow man's foot, they make sure to apply the magic bullet theory in practice -- the bullet will travel, stop, make a turn, go through a brick wall, through somebody's house (and briefly stops to taunt the owner with a little taunt dance), make a salto in the air, enter another house and play piano music from Schonberg, go all the way back, graze an innocent bystander, and FINALLY HIT THE TARGETED VICTIM!

    The revolver you hold with C/C++ has not 6 bullets: you wear yourself a bandana on the head and have unlimited ammo!

    Now, with a language like Pascal (and its evolved descendants) there's hardly a revolver to find. The worst you might get is an airgun of some sort and when you aim in the direction of the ground you usually miss your foot, unless you've been really sloppy and messy, but Pascal should prevent you from being so.

    Ya know, I used to learn C/C++ and was used to looking at it. But now? Well, I can still do it alright: looking at a piece of C/C++ game source code just to learn some game programming is so easy. Its "well-designed" and "naturally logical" syntax does wonders -- even to beginners!

    I recommend every new learner to start with C++, for it's the best and easiest language in existence."

  2. #2

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    Heh. C++ and C are complete pains. I learned enough C/C++ to know how to translate about half the normal C/C++ apps out there into Pascal, helps learning things like DirectX and OpenGL, but further than that ... no thanks.

    And trust me, airguns sting a whole heck of a lot! I had a war with a buddy of mine, airsoft pistols for those who wonder, and a tiny 0.15g pellet going at ~100m/s will really sting. I had welts for 3 days in fact, on my head, arms, back -- anywhere even through the clothes.

    Never underestimate the annoyance of the airgun ... because I got shot in the foot with a missing (though unneeded) begin/end in a larger if-then-else clause.

    But a few of my favorites are from this place, ones like these:

    * You shoot yourself in the foot.
    * You shoot yourself in the foot, and then nobody else can figure out what you did.


    * You accidentally create a dozen instances of yourself and shoot them all in the foot. Providing emergency medical assistance is impossible since you can't tell which are bitwise copies and which are just pointing at others and saying, "That's me, over there."


    * You shoot yourself in the foot, but first have to switch to unsafe mode.
    * You forget precisely how to use the .NET interface and shoot yourself in the foot. You sue Microsoft for damages.

  3. #3

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    That with the airgun must've hurt. Maybe I should've replaced it with another type of firearm to describe Pascal.

  4. #4

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    Here's more, heh heh heh

    * When you use C/C++ you don't own it: it owns you.

    * C/C++'s syntax is so unnatural and inhuman, after a while you won't be able to speak your mother language, therefore incapable of communicating with other humans.

    BEGINNER: "But how do I print some text to the screen?"
    C TEACHER: "Now now now, what did I tell you about that? You must first learn this, and that, and this, and that, oh yeah, and we'll have to define how many characters will be used, but this requires extensive array understanding. And just for the heck of it, we'll include some extra pointer theory. After this you can forget about it for a while... it's not like it's important now, but I just enjoy confusing you and making things difficult."
    BEGINNER: "So how do I put some text onto the screen?"
    PYTHON PERSON: "Here, just have a look at this."
    BEGINNER: :D !!!
    * C/C++ is evil.

    * (Q: ) What do you need in a programming language? (A: ) Well, it must be-- !?!?! (The speaker got shot by an assassin hired by inventors of C-like languages, conspiring together).

  5. #5

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    Are you bored with your structured programming language?
    Do the begins and ends get on your nerves making you crave for some good old fashioned braces?
    Are you tired of your code always producing the same, predictable, boring old results?
    Do you long for a bit of excitement in your everyday world?

    Do you enjoy spending hours and hours chasing down irritating yet oddly fulfilling bugs?
    Do you wear rubber over the weekend and live in a small box?
    Do you like the danger of a potiential catastrophic crash or buffer overrun attack?
    Do you enjoy driving 6" nails into your temples for fun?

    If so, you need C.

    Specifically designed to make even the simplest of tasks take longer, so that the "on this damned project forever" feeling can go on and on. Simply use some uninitialised pointers twice a day for spectacular results. O/S Crashes, Bios overwrites, random glitches and many, many more.

    We guarantee to make beginner programmers physically wet themselves in fear by the mentioning of the mere word, although technically only a letter, C is statistically the scariest word on the planet.

    Also available C++, all the scariness of C with the addition scary sharpness of ++

    Pick up your copy today and rule the world with the iron fist it deserves,...

    Are you man enough?!

  6. #6

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    Jason, this is for jokes, not actual descriptions of C!!

    (:lol: :lol:!!)

  7. #7

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    Heh heh

    Anybody who decides to learn C++ is either (1) forced by necessity, (2) ignorant, or (3) a masochist.
    Not even God Himself would learn C/C++ in a lifetime and be a perfect expert at it, let alone in a few seconds: it doesn't matter if He's God; we're talking C/C++ here.
    WIRTH LANGUAGE ADVOCATER: "Have you ever heard of languages like Oberon-2, Modula, Pascal, and such?"
    C++ PROGRAMMER: "Huh? Dahhh?"

    (It seems the C++ programmer had lost the ability to speak normal human language. This must be due to the inhuman C++ syntax and the fact that the C or C++ languages are living entities that take control over their users.)
    Pascal should've owned C and Object Pascal should've owned C++; we could go on forever but it's no use: C/C++ has infected the minds of many and it spread like a virus still in existence today.
    If you like suffering, you'd like C/C++.
    If you'd like more suffering, you'd like Assembly.
    But a true wanter of pain would try to get lower and learn to speak binary language.
    The only way to have me truly appreciate C/C++ is to make me study Assembly. Actually, no... in fact, perhaps I'd prefer that over C++.
    LITTLE GIRL: "Daddy, why do you talk so strange?"
    FATHER (programmer): [computer voice] "Shut, up. I, init, system. In, stall, virus, C++. Vaccine, available: no. Anti, dote: no. Primitive, inhuman, language, limited, english, capacity, ....."

  8. #8

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    Quote Originally Posted by jasonf
    Do you enjoy driving 6" nails into your temples for fun?

    If so, you need C.
    This came very close to what I did today. Stepped on a 10" nail while moving old scrap-wood from our new house. The nail went all the way through my toe and the pain obstructed me in my further work out there so I went home and coded a bit on a professional project for a microcontroller.. in C!!!

    I don't know which pain was worse. The sore toe or coding C
    Peregrinus, expectavi pedes meos in cymbalis
    Nullus norvegicorum sole urinat

  9. #9

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    The nail went all the way through my toe
    OUCH! :shock:

    Make sure you clean it up OK... you don't want to get an infection in it... that won't be funny at all... it'll make coding in C look like your best day every.. with sugar on top.

  10. #10

    Programming Jokes and Criticism, heh heh

    Yeah, and if it became gangrenous we could nickname it Java! :lol: (For those who haven't heard about Java's security, or its lack, this is pretty appropriate...)


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