Hey Loodziek, glad to hear you're progressing with SDL.

Quote Originally Posted by Loodziek
:arrow: I know how to draw image, set it position. But how can I set an transparent color for image? You know, I mean when I have for eg. #ff00ff background color I want to set this color as Alpha.
Ah, this one is quite easy, you just have to set the transparent color for the surface you wish to draw, as arthurprs says.

Here is a ]SDL_SetColorKey function[/url]. The notation assumes you are using a C-type language, but it's the same thing in all other languages.

Quote Originally Posted by Loodziek
:arrow: In Lazarus, Delphi we put Timer and we can timing. In Omega we have an OmegaTimer. But how can I set timer in JEDI-SDL?
There are 2 ways you can create your game.

:arrow: Threaded -- using a triggered event for your main code-block and others for drawing, networking, etc... Not the easiest way to do it at the beginning.

:arrow: Non-threaded -- using a simple 'main loop' where you'll only exit this loop when the game is done or you wish to close it.

Both ways you should build a 'game mode/state' system into your game code so that it will become easier to change from different areas within your game. ie. Game Menu, in-game action, paused game, credits screen, level loading, initial startup, etc...

Quote Originally Posted by Loodziek
:arrow: And more, but not everything suddenly
Feel free to ask! SDL is great as it handles so much. It's pretty much the only other library besides DirectX to support all the features you'd want in your game from music to graphics to input controls and so on.