So basically, everything between C/C++ and pascal are nearly identical, [...] So technically, anything possible with C/C++ is possible with Pascal?
They are *mostly* the same, but there are things you can do with C that you cannot with Pascal, and vice versa.
Of course, this relates to some pretty advanced stuff, you should be quite experienced in programming to get grip of it.

C has multiple inheritance and tons of other techniques (perverted IMO) you can't easily replicate in Pascal. Also, C has generics and Pascal doesn't (yet). I cannot be of much help here because I'm not familiar with C/C++ myself.

Pascal has metaclasses - a unique feature you won't find in C++. So, for example, my persistency system would be impossible to create with C++.
Metaclasses are quite powerful feature, allowing to decide created object's type at runtime in a very easy and elegant manner. Metaclasses also allow you to write, for example, methods for class to clone itself that will work correctly with all its descendants:

  TFrog = class
    constructor RibbitCreate; virtual;
    function OneMore: TFrog;
  CFrog = class of TFrog;

  TToad = class(TFrog);

  function TFrog.OneMore: TFrog;
      //Typecast to CFrog is required here because ClassType() returns TClass,
      //  but TClass doesn't have the RibbitCreate constructor 
If you call TToad's OneMore you will get TToad, not TFrog, despite the fact that the method is inherited from TFrog unchanged.

AFAIK, you can't do such things in C.