Question for everyone...

Person A is travelling with a spaceship faster then light, which is exactly 299.792.458 metres per second (yes quite fast).
Another person, person B will be living on earth for 70 years *70 "earthyears" *.
Person A comes back to earth after "70 earthyears".

What will be the difference between person A and person B ?

Oh btw, this is pure theoretical...
So you may leave all kind of factors behind, such as the medium person A is travelling through and Cerenkov radiation...

Besides speed isnt infinity, the max speed is the speed of light in vacum (which is 299.792.458 metres per second).
But, it is possible that you travel quicker than light through a medium, it would still be to quick for human beings tho.

Sorry that it looks like Im typing in MSN language, but my keyboard isnt functioning as it should do.