Quote Originally Posted by WILL
You know I can see how having so many options just when you are getting started can seem a bit tricky to get started.

It wasn't always like this though. Around 2000-2002 all we had was a DirectX library called DelphiX and Free Pascal was nowhere near where it is today. So it's really not such a bad thing to be where we are as a community.

However, it does bring new problems like yours; "Where on earth do I start?!"

We are getting a lot of that now from newcomers to PGD and the community so I think it's about time we put up some nice little clear and descriptive arrows for the new folks.

I've been polishing my Pascal Compilers guide lately and have also thought of making up a Library guide too. After reading your thread, I've decided to complete both and post them on the front page of the site for all visitors and new member's convenience. Keep an eye out for a new thread about it in the forums.
ohh thx it will be Awesome