Quote Originally Posted by czar
From everything I have read I will use the inbuilt Xcode, SDL and possible GNU PAscal or Free Pascal. Does anyone have any good reasons to go with the one or the other?
Are you asking which would be the better bet between GNU Pascal and FPC? Thats a super EASY answer; FPC all the way! GNU isn't even a compiler technically. It piggybacks off of the GNU C compiler so it's like using a front-end for a compiler of a completely different language architecture.

Also, FPC is really active these days where as GNU Pascal has wound down to a halt? [size=9px](can someone verify/deny this?)[/size] And if I'm not mistaken it's been something like years since a release.

Oh and final nail in the coffin, GNU Pascal's support is hard to locate find where as support for FPC is abundant.