O/s: WinXP
Lib: DelphiX

Hi everyone. I'm feeling realy dumb as I'm sure that this is a question of logic, but I can't seem to figure it out :evil:

If points scored are 25000, 50000 etc. then the remaining lives must be incremented by 2 and this does not happen. If points reaches 25000 it works but not when points reaches 50000. Any thoughts?

In the Player collission:
Lives := Lives - 1;
LivesLeft := LivesLeft -1;

procedure TFormGame.BonusLife;
if (Points = 25000) then
Lives := LivesLeft + 2;
else if (Points = 50000) then
Lives := LivesLeft + 2;

RenderPlay: dxdrawGame.Surface.Canvas.TextOut(0,715, 'Lives left: '+ IntToStr(Lives));

Starting state:
Lives := 3;
LivesLeft := 3;