First of all I would like to say hello to this forum as you have all noticed I am the new person in here )
And now about my idea.
Ok I admin it I have not a clue about delphi and most important about Units components and DirectX programming but I believe that this will not stop me from learning some stuff.

I make this topic in order to help myself and other persons that are like me they want to learn and do not know lots of stuff.

I spend some time now reading tones of sites but I lack the knowledge of delphi and this is something that makes it more dificult to understand.

I tried to use DelphiX and managed to do some things thanks to some tutorials. And I understand something there.

But after I wanted to use DirectPlay and JEDI and other comp-units
And there started the real problems I did not udnerstand anything
I open the examples and then my head was going round and round.

Anyway I will record my steps what tutorials I read and what sites I've been reading I will make then link them here so if another person wants to start from the beggining like me he should find something here.

Sorry for the bla bla but I am a newbe and I want to help

Have a nice day :lol: