Well, where I stand currently:

I've got the scoreboard in there but for now I'm using the
TTF_RenderText_Shaded method, which is ok for the demo I created
but would like to get a better look and feel on it, suggestions?

Other than that, the next item on my list is the user starting with 3 planes,
which means preparing the battlefield for reentry and such. I would like to
add this on the scoreboard in something of the sorts
Which would take the a spaced reserved a the bottom of the screen.

StandardText + UserScore + OffSet Space(Dynamic) + [SpritePlayerLife]*n

I'm also going to start working on some silly story line...

I've been using GraphicGale to explore the editing of the images for the sprites
BTW, I just colored a copy of the original plane to be a laser firing enemy
and reversed, the original laser image work.

The hardest part for me will be the time consumed by my little graphic talents...

I'm having fun, changes from reading all those Medicals libs and APIs.
