Ok I've been trying for atleast an hour now and I can't get it to work (nor find a bug, not skilled enough ). How do I get my stupid image drawn transparent with clFuchsia being the transparent color and everything else showing up fine?

This is what I have done:

In the VTD manager, I added my simple image (programmer art ops, the image is only 24x24 (will be a cursor) and I set the transparent color to $FF00FF which is the default. Pressed ok.

After loading my image I am using this in my OnRender:

[pascal] PowerDraw.TextureMap(ResourceKeeper.ImageList.Imag es[ResourceKeeper.Cursor1],
pBounds4(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, 24, 24), cColor1($FFFFFF), tPattern(0), 0);[/pascal]

ResourceKeeper is a helperclass, (which I still have to optimize a bit; a different variable per image doesnt work really :roll and Cursor1 contains the index I acquired in the OnLoad. I have been playing with all the properties, and every time I see my arrow... but I keep see the fuchsia as well... What am I doing wrong?