I think that Delphi 7 is one of the best delphi versions available. It works very nice and stable on my machine. BDS explorer however raises AV's every 20 minutes, even when i'm only changing my source. I also tried Delphi 2007. It is quite nice, and the language has more features. On the other hand, there are things i don't like about it.

> The help system is totally messed up. In Delphi 7 everything work's fine.
> The nodes in the code explorer tree, are expanded by default, which i think is really annoying. I have to scroll for ages to find a specific method or var. This was no problem in Delphi 7. The nodes only expand, when you clicked the + and only collapsed when you click the -. That's how i think it should work.

I really hope that Codegear will make their new products a bit more stable, reliable and user-friendly. Delphi 2007 has great features, but i REALLY need a good help system. So i'll stick with Delphi 7 for the moment... until borland releases some better version.