Wait a few moments arthurprs, the present version online is vastly outdated.

Yes, I learned of 2.2.1 and how to obtain it. Now I have Lazarus 0.9.25 and my opinion of Lazarus itself has risen several notches. It works flawlessly in 0.9.25 without any errors, and I've added a good number of new features.

As to that error, it looks like Wikipedia has an error in its Cocktail Sort algorithm's pseudocode. The fix is to set end to an initial value of "fItemCount -2" instead of "- 1". It works exactly the same but with no range check errors.

New Stuff:
Deletion! This includes deletion by index, name, and batch deletion by either index or name. The batch deletion also employs an underhanded trick to increase performance: it deletes from the largest index downwards and puts the last element into the deleted index, then sorts the list with the cocktail sort when done. (IE, it's way fast. Read the source for yourself to see how I do it.)

Added the ability to Comb Sort for those huge lists that may be needed. Because comb sort works over gaps, this makes it more efficient on random arrays of sizable length. Cocktail sort is no wimp though.

Resize now sizes down when items are deleted.

Loads of documentation. :shock:

Download - 384kb, MPL 1.1 License
Requires: FPC 2.2.1 03/27/2008 or Lazarus 0.9.25 (Read carefully, if it has a different date than the one listed here I will upload a copy to my webserver just in case.)