Hi Lifepower!!

I still have no success in getting the real Unicode Japanese Unicode Keycodess to pass to my GUI SYSTEM in Asphyre System!

I did try your suggestion, and everything that is in this discussion!


Did you get any sucess with Japanese Input in your Game?

I can sucefully Display Japanese Text in my Edit Controls, i can Read and Save Japanese Text in it, i can COPY and PAST Japanese text to it, but i still can´t write Japanese directelly to it because of this!

How does Ime works It can pass more than an caracter at time?

I can suceffuly intercept the correct Msg.wParam in WM_IME_COMPOSITION...
In all others WM_ , noone is called when i type Japanese letters.

But the problem is that in WM_IME_COMPOSITION the Letter in not Ready
yet.... i´m totally lost.... i´m using IME in Windows Vista, and it shows
and Editor when i start typing in Ime Mode.. How it works in a Real Japanese
Operating System with a Real Japanese Keyboard? When i type something, it send a WM_IME_COMPOSITION, but
sometimes it changes the letter in editor, and it always send the first
letter on "Ime Editor" when the editor is ON, and not the letter that actually typing...

Somebody have some advices of how to use this?