2 paul_nicholls: congratulation, you are wellcome

2 all:
Registration only in Russian, iam sorry about this. It's not my resource and i am just usualy forum user (not administrator). In the steps: go to http://forum.boolean.name/register.php , check a check-box and press button at bottom. Then you see a registration form: first field - your login; below, left and right fields is a your password (in left field your password and in a right field retype your password). below your e-mail adress (in left type your e-mail and in right retype your e-mail). Then image verification field. Next section is your birthday (mounth, day and year). Mounth begining from January. Next section is your time zone and daylight savings time in your part of the world (by default, automaticly detection). That's all. Press a left button to register.

Then, when you register, you may use Google Translate (translation is not very good, but somehow) for read topics, for example: http://mail.rambler.ru/mail/redirect...ate0%3D;href=1 this is a thread about getting sources. At the last pages of this thread you find new versions of MP compiler.
All threads about MIDlet Paswcal development: http://mail.rambler.ru/mail/redirect...ate0%3D;href=1

In forum you may write in English, we try to answer you in English too.

PS: Sorry for my English.